Whether you are completing a home remodel, an exterior paint update, or another painting project, you should be aware of if you should throw away paint or how to dispose of it. Not only will you need to clean up and take care of your new paint job, but what happens to the leftover paint? While many people may assume that you can just toss your leftover paint, that is not the case. Rosewood Painting wants you to dispose of or recycle your paint properly. Here are some tips and insights on what to do with your remaining paint.

Can I Throw Paint Away?
Throwing away paint can make it hard for the garbage or waste disposal company to deal with, and it can also contaminate other materials. Often, disposing of hazardous paint by throwing it away, is illegal. When you are done using your paint, it is best to know what type of paint you are working with and what is the proper way to dispose of it.
How To Dispose Of Paint
Some paints can be thrown away, but only after you have followed certain guidelines. Here are the steps you can take to dispose of these different types of paints.
These paints contain chemicals that can contaminate soil and water easily. You should never throw away oil-based paint and in fact, should take it to a hazardous waste facility. Many cities often hold events each year to help dispose of hazardous waste.
Some states also have take-back programs that can help take the pain off your hands or find a place to donate the leftovers. You can also help to store the leftover paint for a future project by sealing the lid and keeping the can in a cool and dry location that stays above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Latex paints are not considered hazardous and can be thrown away after following these guidelines. Discard the lid separately and allow the paint to dry out before you throw it in the trash. This keeps the paint from getting on your garbage can or other trash.
Some ways to dry out the paint include pouring it into a box and then letting it dry. After it drys you can throw the box in your dumpster or trash bin. Using kitty litter mixed into the paint will also help it to dry quicker. Just because latex paint can be thrown away, doesn’t mean that it is the best option. Check with other options in your area to help those in need.
Places To Donate
The best option for getting rid of paint is to donate it. There are multiple options when it comes to painting donations.
If your paint is exterior paint or stain, you can donate the paint to a local Habitat for Humanity ReStore for projects or recycling. Other non-profits like shelters, churches, or animal shelters may also accept donations.
High school theater groups, Boys and Girls Clubs, and community groups may also accept paint for productions and projects. Check with local schools or groups to make sure that your paint will fit the requirements before dropping it off.
Rosewood Painting
Painting your home can increase its value and update the look of your home. Painting is always a good investment and can offer appeal to the interior and exterior of your home. If you are considering a home painting project, work with Rosewood Painting!
We pride ourselves on giving our customers an exceptional painting experience. Plus, we take away the problem of storing or disposing of leftover paint. Working with our company takes the guesswork out of painting and the care of paint products.
Check out our website to learn more about our team members and recent projects.
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